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Real Results for Chapel Hill
Over the past six years as your mayor, I have been working hard to create a more diverse and sustainable Chapel Hill. Together, we have achieved so much for our community.
Created over 1,000 new public-sector jobs, generated more commercial tax revenue to ease the burden on residential taxpayers
Set Chapel Hill on a forward path for community-wide Climate Action and Response
Championed the purchase of the American Legion property for a public park
Partnered with CHCCS, IFC, PORCH, TABLE and No Kid Hungry to create Food For the Summer (now Food For Students) to provide healthy food and enrichment to our kids
Made solid progress on creating and preserving Affordable Housing by adopting a Master Plan and Strategies, investing in 278 new units
Invested in expansion of greenways and bikeways to help create a safe and connected network for biking and walking throughout town
Took steps toward being a more inclusive, welcoming and safe community for everyone through the Historic Civil Rights Task Force and Re-imagining Community Safety Task Force.
Led through COVID, keeping our community healthy, businesses open and life as normal as possible
​Put the ReVive Plan in motion for a recovery that benefits our entire community
Partnered with UNC on Downtown Together to reinvigorate our downtown